Ellenborough Lewis, the Koala.

Tucker Carlson, the Fox News host.

This morning the news carried reports that Ellenborough Lewis, the beautiful little marsupial rescued from the catastrophic fires that have ravaged New South Wales, Australia, was euthanized at a local vet clinic after doctors determined he could not recover from the wounds he suffered in the fires before being rescued.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I heard the little marsupial’s pitiful cries of pain as flames encircled it before a heroic woman rushed into the flames to save the defenseless creature.

Tucker Carlson, on the other hand, lives on to enlighten his Fox News followers that he is a fan of Russia and hopes the Putin goons defeat Ukraine in the military conflict now raging between the two nations.

It should not be surprising that Carlson is flying a Russian flag.

One of those flags is currently flying over an American military base in Syria after U.S. forces fled from advancing Turkish troops on orders from their superiors. Russian troops quickly moved in and claimed the base, mocking and laughing at the American retreat.

Putin and Erdogan then raised wine glasses to toast the American betrayal of the Kurds and discussed all the benefits they would split up on the heels of that humiliating U.S. “withdrawal.”

Putin inherited the reins of power in a country that deliberately starved to death 3.3 million of its people between 1932 and 1933 and Erdogan inherited the reins of power in a country responsible for the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians between 1914 and 1923,

And let us not forget that during Russia’s “Great Terror” campaign in the 1930s, Putin’s hero, Joseph Stalin, summarily executed 386,798 of his own citizens in the “Kulak Operation” before adding 682,691more to the death toll in the “Polish Operation” during that campaign.

And let history not forget that Stalin managed to kill off another 247,157 people in ethnic cleansing actions during the Great Terror while another one million people died in Russian gulags between 1934 and 1953,

People like Mr. Carlson would excuse these atrocities by reminding us that Russia saved the world from Nazism during WWII.

Horse pucky!

Stalin saved his own ass after Hitler invaded Russia in June 1941—some six months before the U.S. formally declared war on Japan after which the Axis declared war on the U.S. The British, who declared war on Germany in 1939, had managed pretty much on its own to keep Hitler’s troops off its soil before the U.S. got into the war.

Put simply, Hitler would have been defeated by the U.S., Britain, and the European resistance without the help of Russia; and, in fact, it was the allies who saved Russia’s ass by keeping Hitler tied down on the Western front and in North Africa.

Nothing has changed about the Russians. They are the same people who waged the Great Terror campaign—just as Putin maintains power through terror to this very day.

So while Ellenborough Lewis, the beautiful little koala is being put down, butt-faced ugly Carlson is celebrating that Russian flag flying over an American military base built at taxpayer expense.

Perhaps Carlson is preparing for the day when the Russian flag is flying over Washington, D.C.

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