Correct Care Solutions.

That was the name of the penal health care provider before it changed its name to Wellpath.

According to a recent CNN investigative report by Blake Ellis and Melanie Hicken, the medical delivery service, now owned by a multi-billion dollae investment firm, has government contracts to provide healthcare services to inmates in roughly 500 penal facilities across 34 states.

Outsourced medical services to penal facilities are much like private, for-profit prisons: corrupt, negligent, incompetent, and worst of all, totally unconcerned about the lives and general well-being of the inmates they are charged with caring for.

The American prison population is aging, creating a demand for more sophisticated health care services that for-profit companies are not willing to provide under any circumstances.

For-profit penal health care providers, especially those facilities operated by for-profit corporations, do not view inmates as human beings, rather as defective, sub-human specimens state and federal governments have delivered to them to cage and control.

The level of corruption and violence in for-profit prisons is staggering when compared to government run penal facilities. And the level of incompetence, indifference, and malpractice with for-profit medical delivery systems in penal facilities is just as overwhelming.

Profit does not care one plug nickel about humanity, especially a humanity disowned by organized society. Profit serves one purpose: more profit fueled by the demands of greed. People who worship at the altar of profit are basically worthless motherfuckers incapable of caring about humanity.

That’s why the for-profit prisons and for-profit penal healthcare providers hire the dregs in their respective professions. Most guards in for-profit prisons and penal health care providers, whether nurses or doctors, cannot find gainful employment in government run facilities or in the general community.

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of lawsuits pending in state and federal courts against these for-profit companies because of abuses and neglect of the inmates they are paid to care for.

Virtually all of the inmate lawsuits and administrative grievances will go unheard by the courts and penal administrators, just as the screams for help by inmates in cellblocks suffering from midnight guard beatings or chronic medical conditions will go unheard.

“They are killing me in here” will find no sympathetic ear, either in prison or outside of prison.

Fyodor Dostoevsky once wrote that, “The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.”

NBC News anchor Lester Holt recently spent three days in the Louisiana State Penitentiary, known as Angola. He found the prison to be clean and as peaceful as one could expect for such a facility.

If Lester wants to know the “degree of civilization” in our society, he should embed himself in a for-profit prison for three days in any state in this country. He would quickly come to believe he was living in the Dark Ages.

If you truly want to know the quality of a for-profit prison, just stand outside the facility during shift change. The guards are generally obese, unkempt, whining about one thing or another, and sharing crude, rude racist/sexist/homophobic points of view with each other. They hate the workplaces they are entering or leaving.

And thousands of inmates pay dearly on a daily basis because of the guards’ dissatisfaction with everything about their miserable lives.

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