Hypocrisy is a self-imposed disorder that causes the individual to develop a disdain for the truth while cultivating a mean-spirited attitude toward others, especially those on the lower rungs of the social ladder.

This disorder will eventually infect hypocrites to the point that their brains are eaten up with the purest form of dumbass—one rooted in hillbilly political conservatism.

That’s what happened to Tucker Carlson—the former politically conservative talk show host on the Fox News Network and current Vladimir Putin propagandist.

During his tenure with Fox, Carlson spoke to an audience that, on average, was roughly 94 percent white.

During one of his many race-baiting shows, Carlson stirred considerable social debate when he said that mostly brown-skinned undocumented immigrants were making America “dirtier;” that they are leaving their trash and human waste strewn all along our southern border.

At the time, Fox News supported Carlson’s blatant racist assertion, as did most of his white viewing audience.

What Carlson did not report is the fact what those mostly RV living and motorcycle driving white folks have engaged for quite some time in depositing their human feces in our illustrious national parks, all the while throwing their garbage (including their Walmart and Buc-ee’s bags) all over this country’s precious tourism inviting landscape.

And when not shitting all over the place and throwing McDonald wrappers and plastic cola containers out their RVs or SUVs windows, they have engaged in illegal off-roading and other damaging behavior that endangers animal wildlife and the national parks’ diminishing natural resources.

Several years ago a Yosemite National Park official was quoted in the news media as saying: “It’s heartbreaking. There is more trash and human waste and disregard for the rules than I’ve seen in my four years living here.”

A more recent study found that Lake Haiyaha in the Rocky Mountain National Parks contaminated with human fecal E-coli bacteria, human urine and human feces.

Roughly 300 million people visit the country’s national parks each year—and roughly 80 percent of them are white American-born citizens, and a disproportionate number of them are Fox News and Tucker Carlson enthusiasts.

And that’s where hypocrisy disorder comes into play.

It is okay for white folks to take a shit in the Yosemite and Rocky Mountain National Parks but it’s a dirty crime if a brown-skinned undocumented person shits on the arid grounds just on this side of the Texas border.

These sorts of racist-driven immigration views and the trashing of our national parks by “them good ole boys” illustrate that we are getting on down the Make America Great Again road.

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