
Extremism of virtually every stripe is behavioral insanity.

Commercial products of every make and model are peddledacross media advertising venues through extremism: speed, sound, color, exaggeration, and idiocy are used in extreme methods to secure and manipulate the American public into buying one thing or another.

Here is how extremism works in real time.

Beginning this past Father’s Day through Thursday, June 22, the American and world attention was absorbed in the missing OceanGate submersible Titan lost with a crew of five adventurers who wanted to go to extreme depths to see the infamous wreckage of the Titanic.

Every morsel of information, every possible detail was consumed by a public absorbed in a death watch ritual until their actual deaths were announced.

Simultaneously, while the public’s interest and attention was focused on those five lost souls, more than 300 Pakistanis nationals died off the coast of Greece when a fishing trawler being used to smuggle them capsized and sank. The world barely noticed the tragedy. It was not extreme enough for the world to care about.

The question no one wishes to ask: are five rich lives more deserving of world attention than 300 impoverished lives?

All life is sacred. Each death of life deserves notice.

It was the extremism of the adventurers’ journey to the depths of the ocean where the ruins of the Titanic lay that captured the mass fascination of the nation.


Americans love it, especially when it comes to extreme adventure.

But should we?



Since the advent of the Tea Party Movement in 2010 (or thereabouts), America has seen a bumper crop of idiocy—even greater than soybeans which, at least, contribute to the world’s food source.

Idiocy does not serve anything other than to make stupid people feel smart, almost intellectual at times.

I watched a video recently of a town hall meeting in none other than New York City during which Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was booed and heckled by a dozen or more folks in attendance. I don’t know what the meeting was about. What caught my attention was the Yahoo News headline that the representative had been booed.

The video showed one man, who I assume is the Godfather of Idiocy in New York City, screaming at Ocasio-Cortez and her supporters in the crowd in a language befitting of Vladimir Putin on the day 16 of his 17 so-called “invincible” hypersonic missiles were shot down over Ukraine. The idiot’s language was difficult to understand as spittle flew out of his loud mouth as he screamed profanities and hostile protests that only he could understand.

I’ve seen men like this more than once in my life. In Texas, the bow-legged, hard-riding cowboys would say the idiot was “all hat and no cattle” while in prison someone would have told him to, “shut the fuck up, mother..ker, you ain’t gonna bust a grape with a sledgehammer.”

I’m sure you’ve seen this kind of person in one social format or another during your lifetime. You know the kind that makes you want say something ugly or nasty.

And this Godfather of Idiocy had one of his idiot cohorts with him.

This guy had, I’m fairly sure, a steroid induced stunted brain, a peanut size tallywacker, and a proverbial beer belly bloated over the years from too many Bud Lights before Marjorie Taylor Green told him it was a “woke” habit.

Lieutenant Idiot was being politely removed from the meeting by a security official. Each time the security official would ease or direct Lieutenant Idiot to the door, he would say:

“Don’t touch me,” or, more forcefully, “keep your hands off of me.”

The security official was undeterred by the implied threats as he gently maneuvered Lieutenant Idiot out of the crowd.

It made me wonder how he must have recounted the story of being kicked out of the meeting to his wife and kids once he got home and as he struggled to get a new “Tough Guy” beer down the ole hatch. No more Bud Lights for him.

Some lady got removed from the meeting as well. Not sure what her particular gripe was about, but she expressed it all the way out of the town hall.

What this brief viewing episode showed me is that about 30 percent of Americans have drank too much Idiot Juice and eaten too many soybean sandwiches.

Welcome to America Made Great Again!